Sunday, March 29, 2009
Stafford Pioneer Cemetery
It took us a while to find this one. This was our third trip searching for it. Stafford Pioneer Cemetery is in the Mohawk Valley, Oregon. It's located on a gravel road that looks like a shared driveway. The cemetery itself appears to be someone's back yard. I would assume there used to be an old farm house there, but has since been replaced by a ranch house. No one was home and the graveyard was fenced and gated so I just snapped a few photos from outside the fence. We also looked for the Mohawk Community Church cemetery, but without success.

Saturday, March 28, 2009
Camp Creek Cemetery
It was another day of cemetery hunting. We found two in the Marcola, Oregon area. One is called Valley View Cemetery. That one was not very old and my camera wasn't working anyway. The funny thing about it is we found a geocache we weren't even looking for.
The second cemetery we found is Camp Creek Cemetery which was started in 1850. I got my camera working finally and here are a few pics. It is still being used and looks well cared for.

I thought the texture on the stone here was interesting.
Sarah Strange, died Feb. 3, 1897. I about fell over when I saw this one. That's the same name I used for a character in a short story I wrote. It was pretty weird seeing it on a tombstone.
Ghost House
Pioneer Cemetery
Quartzville Creek
These are from last weekend. We were actually looking for the remains of Quartzville, but we were unsuccessful. That was are second attempt at finding traces of the abandoned town. The first time we were stymied by snow. This time we just had lousy instructions and a shortage of good fortune. These are pics from the area around Quartzville Creek and Green Peter Reservoir.
Yet another blog?
I don't know if this is such a good idea, I hardly have the time, but I decided to start another blog anyway. We'll see how it goes. I'm going to post my hiking pictures here. If I can talk my wife into posting, maybe she can explain something about the trails and locales.
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